If people in the ancient world had blogged, somebody could have written that. And it's something we would still say today. But why? We know it's the Earth that moves, not the sun. Why do we persist in referring to the sunrise, the sunset, the sun moving across the sky?
Perspective is everything in life: the way we interact with people, the decisions we make, the understanding we develop...it all depends on perspective.
Should we use different language in the science classroom to reflect scientific fact? Sunrise could be Earth-down. Sunset could be Earth-up.
So much depends on perspective. Even colors are subjective; we take it for granted that everyone sees colors the same way. Sounds? I've sometimes wondered while in a crowded auditorium, if we all hear exactly the same tones of voice or music. Does the opening chord of Bach's famous Toccata and Fugue feel exactly the same to everyone?
Height is a major perspective to consider. I'm 6'5" and I am comfortable leaning on the top of a refrigerator (you need to clean up there, by the way). The students I encounter in the classroom always ask how tall I am (one inch taller than Abraham Lincoln, I always say, and then somebody always mentions the top hat. I may have to start wearing one.).
I take my perspective for granted. But perhaps I should get on my knees occasionally and see the world from the height of a third-grader. And maybe a third-grader should stand on a desk to see my viewpoint.
The sun moves, and the sun never moves. Perspective. How very much we all have to learn.
"How's the weather up there? Do you play basketball?" ;-) Because every tall person EVER just loves to play basketball. It's like short people think we all belong in some basketball club or something. (By the way, I'll see you at the meeting on Tuesday.... We're ordering pizza this time, so no need to bring anything like we usually do.) What club? I don't know what you're talking about.